Welcome to Fredvang and Lofoten
The Village Society was established in 1983. Gradually, several
sub-committees were formed, like the street lighting committee, the boat
association and Draugen. The latter is now discontinued. The Village
Society also helped start the bakery in Fredvang.
Furthermore, we have worked on a number of other initiatives including
safety fences, cattle grids, signposting and lowering speed limits. The
idea of Lofoten Peat Museum also originates from the Village Society, but
a dedicated museum board is now under preparation.
In 2007, we began with communal Mid Summer’s Eve celebrations near the
museum. The Village Society sold coffee and sour cream porridge. We did
this again the following year with a larger number of participants this
time, and we hope that this will become a cherished tradition for the
inhabitants of Fredvang and anyone else in Flakstad who would like to
celebrate with us.
In recent years, commitment and turnout at Village Society meetings has
declined, so any enthusiasts are more than welcome to our meetings and
other events.